CREALITY COACHING is a concept of personal and professional growth Len developed while writing his book, when he drew on a combination of psychology and his life experiences to create a new reality for himself as an author. Now he wants to use those skills to help you to create your new reality! Be it a relationship, a career choice, a life transition, or writing a book of your own, you’re likely confronted with challenges. You’ve promised yourself you’ll change but now you’ve run out of excuses. The time to act is now. If you are ready for a different result for your life, you need to do something differently. Len will help you develop the customized plan, complete with achievable benchmarks, designed to bring you from here – where you are today – to where you want to be tomorrow and beyond!

Life is short and time is precious. It seems there’s barely enough time to do what you NEED to do – job responsibilities, family commitments, community obligations – before getting around to the things you WANT to do – getting fit, staying healthy, writing your book and creating the life you’ve only imagined for yourself. Knowing that you need help is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength. Creating your new reality involves an interaction with an engaged, objective and passionate person focused on you!
CREALITY COACHING is NOT psychotherapy, although at times it may seem like it. Licensed doctors, lawyers and other health practitioners must adhere to very strict privacy and confidentiality laws. Even though he is not required to have a license to provide his coaching and consultative services, Len adheres strictly to these principles. Your privacy and confidentiality are paramount. Your trust in his integrity is critical to your working relationship. Len chooses NOT to engage in work that is illegal or that is in any way harmful either of you. Positive outcomes only!
CREALITY COACHING works by a combination of talking, listening, thinking, writing and finally, acting on the course of action you’ve been coached to create. It all starts with a FREE 30-minute phone call, Zoom meeting or in-person consultation, after which both you and Len will know if it makes sense to proceed with future coaching sessions – usually 2-3 times per month to start – and determine a fee, usually $150 per hour. The next step is up to you. It begins by clicking HERE.